New Blaze and the Monster Machines Blaze Axel City Art

£34.99 is a lot to inquire anyone to pay for a video game. If you're putting downward that much money, you want reassurance that you're getting value; that it volition keep the kids quiet for more than the length of a movie. What you don't want is an empty vanquish for immature players to rattle around in for one-half an hour.

Blaze and the Monster Machines: Axle Urban center Racers well-nigh takes longer to type out than it does to play. If you're a parent, and are considering this for your Blaze fans, beware: you'd get more enjoyment from a large cardboard box.

blaze and the monster machines review 1

It starts with a little flake of promise. There's clearly no Mario Kart on the Xbox, and a few Hells would take to freeze over before we got i. We take a fair few copycat karting games on the Xbox, but precious few serve the under-sevens crowd. They're often loud, complicated and fail to have useful additions like assisted-steering. Only Bonfire and the Monster Machines: Axle City is appealing to younger players, is designed for them, and – yeah – has an assisted steering mode called Auto Bulldoze.

Very generally, Bonfire and the Monster Machines: Axle City Racers is a typical kart racer. You have iii means of racing, available from the menu. At that place are Quick Races, Playing with Friends, and Adventure. They very much practise what they say on the tin. Quick Race is one-player and breaks things down into individual races and cups. You can drop into a random ane rapidly or prepare something custom. Playing with Friends does the same but with up to four local players, while Take a chance is the game'south campaign.

Run a risk gives yous an indication of how thin the offer is. You can play iii unlike cups, three races in each, and a final loving cup that is the tutorial race only with a lap counter attached. So, permit's exist generous and tally this upward to ten different courses. Except they're non altogether unlike: each cup is a different 'theme', with the showtime being Beam City, the second being Velocity Ville, set up in farmlands, and the third being Fauna Island, which is a jungle/volcano expanse. That means the same backgrounds and ideas are smudged onto all of the races in that loving cup, and they cease upwardly feeling identikit.

In that location's an asterisk here, as ane level – Volcanic Vroom – is a clear game highlight. It has a memorable landmark for 1, in its key volcano, and yous zigzag through it rather than meander, like many of the other levels. Information technology looks acres more interesting than the other levels, besides. A note here that Blaze and the Monster Machines: Axle City Racers is non a bad-looking game. It's chunky and plastic in a satisfying bought-from-The-Entertainer-way, and children will instantly recognise (and hear) their favourite characters. But information technology is thin, and Volcanic Vroom bucks that trend.

blaze and the monster machines review 2

Ten levels, with but three different skins, is bluntly pretty dismal. Nosotros popped the achievement for completing all iv cups, and the 'Fastest of All' accomplishment text said 'Win the Start Ten Races'. Nosotros breathed a sigh of relief: there must exist a second lot of races. Maybe even a third. But no: x is what yous're getting, buddy.

It would take been somewhat okay if the races were interesting or singled-out. Simply Bonfire and the Monster Machines: Axle City Racers does what a lot of cheap karting games do: it keeps everything completely flat, without whatsoever lumps or bumps outside of ramps; it offers no alternative routes or developing tracks; and so it keeps to a series of meanders rather than annihilation resembling a racetrack. It's a joyride through a sleepy town.

Now, the obvious caveat here is that younger players probably don't want or demand Monaco. They don't have the capability to brake before a hairpin turn, and that'due south understandable. Just that doesn't absolve Bonfire and the Monster Machines: Axle City Racers from adding some interest. Nosotros'd take taken some characters from the show in the background, a passing aeroplane or two, or secret routes that bypass chunks of the track. Anything, really. Outside of the utilise of crossroads in Velocity Ville levels, there's cipher that differentiates the three terrains from each other.

Racing itself is sluggish, fifty-fifty on the highest of the 3 difficulties hither, but that'south to be expected for a children's game. There are no major bug with the nuts of racing, and we'd even go so far to say that our children enjoyed it for a catamenia.

blaze and the monster machines review 3

Weapons, too, are fine. Technically, Blaze and the Monster Machines: Beam City Racers has opted for character-specific abilities rather than weapons, which makes sense. Young players tin can pick the character they like and they volition know full well what happens whenever they get together the ten spanners that are needed to activate them. Blaze nitro-boosts for his ability, while Watts does an electric-charged heave that zaps opponents as she passes by. They're mostly not-aggressive – there's no blue shell here – and whatever impairment done will boring downwards a player, rather than spin them out. More advanced players will of course get bored with the unmarried weapon through an entire entrada, only they will have to eat information technology.

But while Blaze works on a basic level, a parent will brainstorm to spot strange quirks. There is a drift button on RB, only the drift abides by some bizarre rules that we withal don't empathize. We think it cancels out when y'all take your finger off the analogue stick or move in the contrary direction to the ane you started in – no Mario Kart-style drift-wiggling here – but nosotros wouldn't bet our lives on it. It'due south erratic to say the least.

Even more bizarrely, where you finish isn't necessarily the rank you'll be given. Our daughter finished tertiary in every race, which we think makes it mathematically impossible to win, but she was given a first-place ranking for the tournament. She also crossed the line in 4th, but information technology would display as 3rd on the ranking screen. These moments were only ever in my child's favour – they were never punished – just they seemed like curious rolls of the die, and they happened a lot.

Chiefly for a game of this type, upwardly to four-histrion splitscreen co-op is available (merely local, not online, which is to exist expected), and information technology works fine. You only take the base ten tracks to work with, so there'due south an inevitable point where boredom sets in, but this has the exact minimum of what we'd await: the ability for four young players to play each other on a sofa.

blaze and the monster machines review 4

What surprises most is that most games of this type would hide their lack of content past adding trunkloads of collectibles. There'd be wallpapers, concept art, sound tracks, skins for cars, new characters and all that nonsense. It would at least give a younger player a sense of progression. But the closest that Blaze and the Monster Machines: Axle City Racers comes to this is a repurposing of their loading screens. You see some STEM-related messages between matches, instruction them the boiling betoken of water and other strange factoids, and you tin can 'win' them after multiplayer matches. And that's it. Nada that appears in-game, naught that factors into anything, actually. Information technology's a wonder why they dodged even this most basic of opportunities.

As a gateway to racing games, and video games generally, Blaze and the Monster Machines: Axle City Racers gets some credit. It'southward the get-go Xbox karting game that feels similar a sub-seven or six-year-erstwhile could play it fully and actually compete with computer racers. That might exist plenty to beat out out the money that gets your kid onto the starting filigree.

But if you lot're in any fashion discerning, and want a bit of value from your £34.99, and then the defence rests on Bonfire and the Monster Machines: Axle City Racers. It's an empty chassis, a coincidental insult for the coin. Ten generic tracks does non a karting game make. In all likelihood, your Blaze fans will see everything it has to offer later on one-half an hour, as it runs out of mileage quicker than you can say that title.

You can buy Blaze and the Monster Machines: Axle City Racers from the Xbox Store for Xbox One and Xbox Series 10|S

£34.99 is a lot to ask anyone to pay for a video game. If y'all're putting downwards that much money, you desire reassurance that you're getting value; that information technology will keep the kids quiet for more the length of a flick. What you don't want is an empty shell for young players to rattle effectually in for half an 60 minutes.  Blaze and the Monster Machines: Axle City Racers about takes longer to type out than it does to play. If you're a parent, and are because this for your Blaze fans, beware: you'd become more enjoyment from a large…

Blaze and the Monster Machines: Axle City Racers Review

Bonfire and the Monster Machines: Axle City Racers Review



  • Chunky and recognisable Blaze characters
  • Simple and assisted driving for upwardly to four youngsters


  • Devoid of content
  • Lacks any longevity, like things to unlock
  • Courses all feel the same
  • Weird drifting quirks


  • Formats - Xbox Series Ten|Southward, Xbox One, PC, Switch, PS4, PS5
  • Version reviewed - Xbox One on Xbox Serial Ten
  • Release appointment - thirty Sept 2021
  • Launch price from - £34.99

TXH Score



  • Chunky and recognisable Bonfire characters
  • Simple and assisted driving for up to 4 youngsters


  • Devoid of content
  • Lacks any longevity, like things to unlock
  • Courses all experience the same
  • Weird globe-trotting quirks


  • Formats - Xbox Series X|Due south, Xbox 1, PC, Switch, PS4, PS5
  • Version reviewed - Xbox I on Xbox Series X
  • Release appointment - 30 Sept 2021
  • Launch cost from - £34.99

User Rating: Be the start 1 !


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